home > Flashback > Saturday, July 17, 2010 - Page 17 of 110 - << previous page : next page >>
Next up the Fun Wheel to check out the Cars Land work.  As you can see a lot of steel is up and it is growing daily.
Next up the Fun Wheel to check out the Cars Land work. As you can see a lot of steel is up and it is growing daily. 07.17.10
The rockwork near one of the entrances is really taking shape.  Wonder how long until it is covered and we will not be able to see the work anymore...
The rockwork near one of the entrances is really taking shape. Wonder how long until it is covered and we will not be able to see the work anymore... 07.17.10
Quite a few workers on site for a Saturday.
Quite a few workers on site for a Saturday. 07.17.10